Defy The Expected

Empty nesters are at a pivitol point within their lives in which their self-perception does not match how others view them. Their children wrongfully acuse them of living sedintary mundane lives without them.But this is not how emptynester view this time within their lives! These 55-65 year olds are ready to take advantage of this new-found freedom they have been afforded and reinvigerate their lives.San Diego offers the best way for them to kickstart an emptynesterhood that is written on their own terms. San Deigo can provide these empty nesters with ample oppotunities to redefine this time in their lives!

Out of Home

The awareness stage of the campaign will start with out of home. Outdoor reaches mass audiences within geographic regions and (indexes at 132) for our target.

Streaming TV

The awareness stage will continue with TV streaming commercials. 71% of our target has a TV streaming platform that they use on a usual basis. 

Social Media

The Interest stage of the campaign begins with social ads. These ads are all about awkward Gen X selfies and encourage the audience to tag San Diego in their best selfies.

Online Display

The Interest stage will continue with Online Display ads. 

As important as the creative assets are for online display the placement locations are equally important. Some examples of online networks these ads will be placed are LinkedIn & NBC.

Website & Emails

For the Discovery stage of the campaign, the brand will launch a microsite. This site will collect emails and promotional emails will be sent for the Purchase phase of the campaign.

Retargeted Online Display

The final stage of the purchase phase will include retargeted online display ads.

Full Campaign Strategy


Tyler LaForge

Sophia Webb

Mark Werner

Kathryn Wickersham


Amazon Furniture

